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Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's your fault

Right now our country and my state are falling to shit, and It's your fault.  Every American who reads this, know that it is your fault our country has gone this far down the crapper.  For too long we have lived beyond our means, without producing enough, and letting our balance of trade go to hell, but that's not why it's your fault.  For too long we have expanded our laws to the ridiculous point of every person reading this is guilty of at least one crime punishable by jailtime in the last year, they just don't know it, but that's still not why it's your fault.  It's your fault because for most of your entire life you have tolerated a system of governance that makes little to no progress, has repeatedly and constantly taken away the rights of it's citizens since it's inception, and is controlled in it's entirety by two extreme and opposite parties.  I'm saying it right now: the entirety of American politics is, and will remain, broken, as long as the Democrats and the Republicans continue to control anything over 20% of the vote based on party loyalties.  The political parties of America have begun to more resemble the extreme differences of the Shiite and Sunni Muslims than that of elected officials working for the future of our country.  It's a situation in which the parties, and those faithful to them, barely tolerate each other's existence, only just acknowledging that they have anything in common, and secretly wishing they could squeeze the life out of the other side.  These sides do not make progress, with very few exceptions the elected members of these parties do very little to work for the good of your average American, let alone their actual constituents, both sides only care about re-election and 'pleasing the base', and above all they want to make their friends happy, party, casual, and donor.  The self serving noise and money machine that is two party politics does not serve the greater good, and it is sinking our great nation.  That's my opinion, I welcome yours.

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