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Thursday, March 3, 2011

About what constitutes 'news' in this country

24 hour news networks are a terrible source for news, every single biased one of them.  Some are biased as company policy such as Fox News, some are biased based on the views of the writers, but all are biased towards whatever is profitable.  Some newspapers and television news broadcasts strive to make their selling point a dedication to the actual news, namely: important world, national, and local events; offering in depth analysis of the situation, development, and points of view involved in the issue being reported upon.  I don't see anything that I would call "news", with the sole exception of the occasional "breaking news" story, on any of the 24 hour news networks.  Those in the 24 hour news game can only call their channels 'news' networks in the same way that the 'history' channel can claim their current show lineup has anything to do with history.  Every single 24 hour news network manages at most 2 hours of actual news in a day, with up to another 6 hours of them repeating the same story without any developments if it was a really big story, even longer if it was a catastrophe.  This leaves a full two thirds to eleven twelfths of the day for them to fill.  So, what do they choose to fill it with?  Not well thought out pieces on the developments in old stories.  Not an intelligent exploration of the issues at hand.  Certainly not a moderate average American look at what is going on in our lives today.  These networks deliberately focus on sensationalism, scandal, tragedy, horror, sex, fluff, and loud angry partisan wing nuts, from either side of insanity.  So, because it isn't as profitable to actually attempt to do the news 24 hours a day, and it's so damn hard, and costly to pay all those field reporters to *gasp* investigate something, they pollute the minds of millions of Americans into believing that the world is a horrible frightening lascivious place where they have to choose a side, one of the two they sell you, in terms of politics and views, and you're not allowed to mix these sides, you can only be a conservative or a liberal, because that's what sells.

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