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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Paul LePage is an idiot (or ignorant, take your pick)

Want to look for something stupid, entirely self-serving, or without any redeeming value to the citizens of the state of Maine that Paul LePage has said or done?  Well just lay out the front pages of the Press Herald for the past couple months and throw a dart.  The blowhard in chief was elected mostly by a push from that angry, self interested, and generally unreasonable group the tea party, and they have continued to defend all of his actions, even those that go against their core values, since he edged his less than 2/5 of the vote win over Eliot Cutler.  Now, I am in no way saying I disagree with the values and proposed policies of the tea party mentality.  I am however disturbed by the anger and unreasonable vitriol they display towards those of different viewpoints and the tenacious party line dogma they exhibit, for instance defending LePage when he hired his daughter right out of college, moved her into the Blaine house, and giving her an entry level salary over 40k with another 15k in benefits and a 10k housing benefit; to me their can be no clearer evidence of abuse of power and runaway bureaucracy than nepotism.  Yet those party faithful continue to defend LePage, dismissing the concerns of Independents, such as myself, as 'liberal propaganda'.  But I digress, I'm not here to talk about why I think LePage is a terrible governor who is doing very little to make good on his campaign promises to the people of Maine, I'm talking about why I think he's an idiot.  Let's start with the fact that LePage has shown, time and again, that he doesn't understand basic scientific concepts, most recently the difference between testosterone and estrogen with his beards and BPA 'joke'.  The fact that we have an elected governor who thinks it's a good idea to make 'casual jokes' to the press, let alone jokes that fully display his ignorance of basic scientific concepts, is evidence of staggering ineptitude.  The press is there to report, if any elected official were to make a 'casual joke' to the press that comes off as bigoted, small minded, ignorant, and dismissive of other viewpoints, and expect it to go unreported, then they probably don't deserve their high school diploma.  The governor's stance on science seems to be that if it's more complicated than high school level he doesn't need to understand it.  I also think he's an ignorant blowhard because of the way he represents our state, cracking wise about people and groups "kissing his ass" and saying the president can "go to hell".  Even though I dislike Paul LePage in the extreme and think he isn't fit to run a duckpond, let alone Marden's or our state, I would never introduce into any kind of public discourse rude and inflammatory statements for the soul purpose of sounding off my frustration, since it would be childish and ultimately pointless.  Which is how I feel about LePage, he is Childish, but unfortunately has power; like a little kid with a can of silly string, he doesn't care what damage he does, how long it takes to clean up, or how it makes us look, as long as he gets and does what he wants.  That's my opinion, I welcome yours.


  1. lepage is an idiot.

  2. I would vote for a dog, before I would vote for this arrogant, bullying idiot. Send him to North Korea where he can play with their thug. They come from the same mold. If they don't get their way, they throw a tantrum.

  3. LePage is a complete IDIOT!

  4. Here's one:

    The Governor of Maine is a moron:

    "SEATTLE (AP) — Washington state sued one of the world's largest independent tech support companies Wednesday, saying it routinely scams customers into buying software and services they don't need.

    Attorney General Bob Ferguson filed the lawsuit against the U.S. operations of iYogi, an India-based company which boasts of 3 million customers and which announced over the summer that it was opening its first U.S. technical support center in Lewiston, Maine. The complaint also names the company's co-founder and president, Vishal Dhar, of New York, as a defendant.

    During a news conference, Ferguson said iYogi representatives often take remote control of the computers of people who seek help, make ominous warnings flash on the screen and then tell them they need to spend money to fix the virus — typically technical support plans costing $150 to $380, or sometimes $80 for antivirus software.

    Microsoft's chief legal officer, Brad Smith, joined the news conference and said iYogi is one of the companies that Microsoft receives the most complaints about. Both he and Ferguson described the scam as a common one online, defrauding 3 million people in the U.S. of more than $1 billion a year.

    "Tech support scams have become a scourge on the Internet," Smith said. "These individuals are not on the phone to help consumers. They're on the phone to take consumers' money."

    In July, Dhar announced that iYogi, based in India, was opening its first U.S. technical support center in Maine, potentially bringing as many 350 jobs over the next year. Maine Gov. Paul LePage attended the announcement and said it was encouraging that a company like iYogi could help reverse the outsourcing trend and create jobs in the U.S."
