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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Independent Spirit

I have lived in Maine for most of my life.  As I grew up in this state it was always impressed upon me what a proud and noble land we lived in, full of able and helpful people, each with unique and independent viewpoints, all of which deserve to be heard.  In spite of our nations fierce political battles Mainer's always seemed to manage a polite respect for the opposing viewpoints, even if they fundamentally disagreed.  I have also grown up seeing the hard and honest work of the people of Maine, from every diverse socioeconomic background the people of Maine strive to produce and improve, even in the face of adversity.  One of Maine's greatest traditions, which I have always tried to live up to, is that of it's stewardship of the land; keeping some places wild, not developing forest just to turn a profit, and focusing on how we can live with nature instead of in spite of nature.  However, recently I have witnessed cracks forming in our proud culture.  This is not the Maine I grew up in, or at least not the tradition I was brought up to respect.  In these times of economic hardship we as a state have been slinging mud, looking after our own ends, and demanding more while doing less for ourselves.  I say we should rekindle our independent spirit, to stop looking to our leaders of state to save us and to start looking to our neighbors to save each other.  We need to take responsibility to ourselves, to remain civil in the face of disagreement, and to not resort to simply taking sides, but instead to work together.  Times are tough, and tough decisions need to be made, but the people of Maine are tough, and if we can roll up our sleeves and work together this state could be someplace truly great.  The independence within the heart of each and every Maine citizen could make our state a place where differences are put aside in the face of difficulties, a place where disagreement doesn't mean dismissal of everything another person has to offer, and a place where we can build a brighter future filled with greater independence for every man, woman, and child who is willing to chip in and do their part.  That's my opinion, I welcome yours.

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